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Category: Uncategorized
4 Tips to Increase Flexibility
You eat the right foods, drink the right drinks, and exercise regularly. In other words, you’re strong and healthy. There is only one hole in your overall good health. You’re as flexible as a piece of plywood. But there’s good news!
Weight Training for Martial Arts
Adding weight training to your workouts will definitely enhance your martial arts ability level. Whether you study Karate, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Silat, Krav Maga, Aikido or a combination of these self defense styles, adding weight training to your workout regimen will produce many benefits.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Women?
The martial art of Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) has been gaining interest and popularity with women throughout the years. Maybe you first heard of it on a popular podcast or from a co-worker who incessantly talks about this addicting hobby. What exactly is it?
Which Is Better? Kung-Fu or Karate?
This is a question that comes up in a variety of ways. Both Karate and Kung-Fu have a lot of similarities, but they also have a number of differences. While there are variations on the them, for the most part, Karate is more linear in application than Kung-Fu.
Achieving your fitness goals of 2020 starts at Plus One Defense Systems, West Hartford, CT
One of the top goals people set for themselves for the new year is improving overall fitness. Our martial arts academy in West Hartford, CT is the perfect place to meet fitness goals. We offer classes in 9 distinct martial arts styles: Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Capoiera, Karate/Kenpo, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay…
Mixed Martial Arts: The Best Phone Protection Plan You Can Buy
Phones can go missing – it’s just a fact of life. But one way an experienced MMA fighter will likely never lose their phone is during a petty robbery. Polyana Viana, the Brazilian-born UFC fighter can attest to this. In January this year, Viana was the victim of an alleged attempted robbery outside her home…
Women’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense Classes in CT
It can be difficult to find a women’s-only Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class – not just in CT – anywhere. Plus One Defense Systems in West Hartford, CT was the first academy in CT to offer such a class. Today, we are proud to have over 20 students in our women’s BJJ program.
Here is why parents and children should train in martial arts together
If you’re reading this, someone in your family probably already trains in the martial arts – some popular choices in the USA currently are Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, and Kung Fu. Maybe you enrolled your kids for the health benefits and discipline and you’re thinking about starting classes yourself.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes build friendships and a team in West Hartford CT
In a previous article called Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: The Benefits, we touched on many ways that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can improve your life. One of the special qualities that many folks find in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class at our West Hartford academy is the team-building.
Women’s Self Defense and Kickboxing
Plus One Defense Systems offers many types of martial arts classes for women looking to get in shape, gain confidence, and learn to defend themselves. We don’t teach watered down “cardio kickboxing” – we offer true Muay Thai kickboxing which meets or exceeds all the fitness benefits of “cardio kickboxing” but also teaches real world…