Capoeira Classes Return- Enrollment Has Begun!

I’m very excited that, after more than two years away from on-site instruction, Suave is resuming Capoeira classes at Plus One on May 2nd.  Classes will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:45pm until 9:15pm.  

Capoeira is a Brazilian style with African roots that utilizes a lot of ground maneuvers, aerial work, and dance type motions. The dance and acrobatic maneuvers help make this system absolutely beautiful to practice and to watch.

It is worthy to note that we have a lot of people inquire about Capoeira and say, “It looks beautiful, but I can’t do that.” 

When you begin in Capoeira, you start with the basics. It is a wonderful style, and people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities should try it if they want to. Give it a shot, you will be surprised what you can do when the learning process is broken down.  And, Suave is an amazing instructor with a lot of patience and a great heart for his students and the art of Capoeira.

Welcome back, Suave!

If you are a former Capoeira student with 


us, and you’ve been waiting for classes to resume, now is the time to re-enroll.  If you call me and do so prior to May 2nd, you’ll get two weeks free.

Likewise, if you are a potential new student who is interested in the art of Capoeira, you can try a free session with us, and if you enroll after your free session, we’ll give you two weeks free. 

Call me at 860-922-5343 , or visit to schedule the free session.

Doug Beale III was one of our most dedicated students. He usually trained five days a week, and he was tragically killed in a traffic accident in 2006, at the young age of 20.

We have a scholarship program in his honor called the Doug Beale III Memorial Scholarship. Every year we hold an event to help fund the scholarship, and this year’s “kick-a-thon” is on Saturday, April 30th, from 12pm to 1pm.  You are all invited, and Doug’s mom (Helen) and brother (Grant) are expected to be in attendance.  Money from this fund has helped students and families at Plus One in many wonderful ways. You can read more about Doug and the giving program we created in his honor here.

As well, if you would like to make a donation to the fund, you can do so via our website at:

And, we auction off the parking spot at this event. If you are interested in making a bid, you do not have to be present, and you can call me prior to the event to make your bid.  (The parking spot is the first one in front of the dojo, and it’s reserved for the winner for a year… until the next Memorial event.)  The current bid is at $200, with Juan being our current high bidder.

Please note the fund is not setup as a 501(c)3, so donations are not tax deductible.  Regardless of whether you donate, we hope to see you on the 30th, as it’s a big deal for Doug’s family… and for us.