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Train in 1 Martial Arts Style or 7
Training in the martial arts is awesome. But you knew we would say that. What we’re stressing is “arts” – as in multiple styles. Fortunately, at Plus One Defense Systems in West Hartford, CT, we offer and teach many different martial arts styles all under one roof. There is NO EXTRA CHARGE to take multiple arts at the same time or to switch from one to another. Your membership at Plus One is all-inclusive. Whether you train in one style or 7, whether you come in twice a week or twice a day, you’re covered!
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The benefits of training in multiple martial arts are numerous. One of the reasons I love training in multiple arts is that I’m always engaged and interested. I could drill Kung Fu forms all day, every day, but I personally find it more fulfilling to work on some Kung Fu, then switch to Kenpo self-defense drills, and then spar in Muay Thai Kickboxing before I call it a day.
Anyone training specifically in an MMA arena knows that it’s good practice to train in a few styles to be able to cope with the varied abilities and styles of their opponents. We occasionally see a contender who sticks to one style (which can be an exciting testament to Aikido or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or something else), but it’s rare. A well-rounded fighter is a prepared fighter. Knowing how to handle oneself in a close-quarters ground grapple is just as important as knowing how to land powerful blows from a distance – and to defend against them.
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Last but not least, there are physical and mental health benefits to training in styles. Mentally, we become more adaptable to and agile in situations when we have engage in varied activities. This has been scientifically proven. Physically, all martial arts will give you a great workout, but each is going to be a little different about how the body is worked, stretched, and strengthened.
If you’re already a student at Plus One, we encourage you to utilize your membership to the fullest. If you are thinking about getting into the martial arts, this is a great place to train because you can find the martial art style or styles that suit you.
Sign up today for a FREE intro class in the martial arts style of your choosing. We look forward to training with you.
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