Fourth Annual Doug Beale III Kick-A-Thon


We will be hosting our fourth annual “kick-a-thon” on Saturday, March 21st, from 1:00pm – 2:30pm as a fundraiser to help continue the Doug Beale III Scholarship Program.This program was put in place to honor Doug, who was one of our most dedicated students, and was tragically killed in a traffic collision on March 25th, 2006.

The program helps underprivileged folks in our community take martial arts lessons. Last year we raised over $2400 and helped pay for 54 months of lessons to students who otherwise would not have been able to afford it! The fund was over-extended by $1616. (Many needed help this last year.)

We’re looking forward to helping others in our community through the arts! Pledge sheets, along with details, are attached as page 4 of this month’s newsletter. Donations may also be made at the desk or by sending a check to the school w/ a notation in the “memo” line that funds are for the scholarship program.

Come.  Get a great workout, and support a worthy cause.  You don’t have to be a member of the dojo to join in… all are welcome! 


2 responses to “Fourth Annual Doug Beale III Kick-A-Thon”

  1. Sensei Reisler

    77 people in attendance… 39 kickers… 21,287 kicks thrown… Noah Schoem set a new school record by kicking 2193 kicks in one hour (beating the old record set by Chris Collazo of 2060 kicks)… and we raised over $1900 for the scholarship fund. Awesome job!

  2. Sensei Reisler

    I want to thank everybody who participated in the kick-a-thon. It was a fantastic success. Thanks to YOU! We had over 70 people present and about 40 of them threw kicks. Everybody was very generous with donations, too. I’m still tallying everything and will post our results soon. (Donations are still coming in from people who received sponsorships.) Again, thank you all so much! Doug’s family was very appreciative, too.