Upcoming Seminars and Events

We have many seminars throughout the year.  Rob  Kahn was here on July 9th and gave a fantastic BJJ and MMA seminar.  29 participants were here, and we had people travel from New York and Massachusetts to attend the event.  Thanks, Rob!









 Upcoming Seminars and Events (In Order of Occurrence)

July 9th, 2011

We send our thanks out to Rob Kahn for his recent seminar.  Rob was here on July 9th and gave a fantastic BJJ and MMA seminar.  29 participants were here, and we had people travel from New York and Massachusetts to attend the event.  Thanks, Rob!



 May 1st, 2010 

2pm to 5pm- Francisco Carlos Pinto Sa “Sazinho” Brazilian Jiujitsu seminar (Marcus Aurelio’s instructor).  Marcus Aurelio is Marco Delima’s instructor.  This should prove to be a great seminar.  Cost is $60 if pre-registered and $75 at the door.

May 8th, 2010 

2pm to 3pm- Nunchaku 102– the second in a series of weapons training seminars that Sisok Billy is doing on the nunchaku. Cost is $40.  Pre-registration is required.  This seminar will likely fill-up and is limited to the first twenty people to register.

May 15th, 2010 

2pm to 3:30pm- We will be hosting our fifth annual “kick-a-thon” as a fundraiser to help continue the Doug Beale III Scholarship Program.  This program was put in place to honor Doug, who was one of our most dedicated students, and was tragically killed in a traffic collision on March 25th, 2006.  The program helps underprivileged folks in our community take martial arts lessons.  Last year we rose over $2200, and we were able to provide financial assistance to our students in many ways, including housing related expenses.  We’re looking forward to helping others in our community through the arts!  You don’t have to be a member of the dojo to join in… all are welcome! 


June 12th, 2010 

2pm to 5pm- Brazilian Jiujitsu Testing will be held.  Testing in this discipline only happens twice a year.  The exam itself is free.  However, cost is $100 if you receive a belt promotion and $60 if you receive a stripe promotion.  Pre-registration is required so that we can determine if you are ready to test. 

July 10th, 2010 

2pm to 5pm- Rob Kahn Brazilian Jiujitsu seminar.  Rob is an incredible fighter and he has several fighters currently in the UFC.  Don’t miss this seminar!  Cost is $55 if pre-registered and $75 at the door. 


August 13th and 14th, 2010 

Kyoshi Robert Austin (Sensei Reisler’s instructor) is coming to Plus One in August. He will be running seminars and officiating on the Board for the black belt testing. The schedule while he is here is as follows:

August 13th– 6:30pm to 7:15pm– Seminar for kids ages 5-12 Cost: $30

August 13th–7:30pm to 9:00pm– Seminar for students over 12 Cost: $40

August 14th- 2:00pm to 5:00pm– Sho Biyn Jiu black belt testing.  Come watch Michael Golden, Billy Lavallee, Kyle Cherry, and Matthew Joseph test for their 2nd Degree Black Belts.  Fresia Morales will be completing her required adult black belt exhibition (as she is currently a youth black belt).  This event is FREE!  Unless you’re testing… then you will definitely pay.

*Cost for seminars is for “pre-registration.” Registering the day of the seminar is $10 more expensive.*