Student of the Month

Our Student of the Month for January is Michael Cruz.  He originally started training with us because he was looking for a hobby.  He had tried volleyball, boxing, and golf, but when he started training in the martial arts, he knew he had found what he was looking for.

Mike is now addicted to training.  He has been with us for eight months.  He trains five or six days a week, and when he’s not training, he says he watching youtube videos about training, taking notes, or watching the martial arts on television.  (He specifically likes watching the UFC.)

Mike says that, when he is training, he forgets about the problems of everyday life.  He feels like he’s part of the family at Plus One, and all his stress goes away.  When he trains, Mike expressed that he is able to focus on what he is doing 100%.  He really likes that, and he’s excited that he now has self-defense skills.

Outside of the dojo, Mike likes salsa dancing, and he also likes playing golf.  (Although, he says he hasn’t had much time to play golf since he started his martial arts training!)

Mike is currently in college, and he is working toward becoming a police officer.  He is says that, after beginning his martial arts training, his college work is easier to focus on.  He also says that his confidence has gone up since he began training.  Mike specifically training in Muay Thai Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  He did come to us with a boxing background, and this background has been helpful to him.  Mike also trains with weights, but he says there’s a big difference between the solo workout of weights and martial arts training.  He enjoys that, with his martial arts training, he gets to meet new people.  He also says that martial arts training is a lot more physically and mentally challenging, as people help each other to build and grow.

It’s an absolute pleasure to have Mike with us.  He is one of those quiet, humble guys who is always willing to help others.  Thanks, Mike.  Keep up the great work!


2 responses to “Student of the Month”

  1. Raquel Lee

    Congrats! Keep up the awesome work! 🙂

  2. Jaime Saenz

    Congratulations mike,