Student of the Month

Our Student of the Month for April is… Lauren Cross!  Lauren started training martial arts when she was a kid (in the 6th grade) after she read an article about women training in the martial arts.  The article was in American Girl magazine.  Lauren wasn’t really interested in other sports, and she felt that what she was reading about was different than other athletic activities.  So, she decided to give it a shot and started training at the Brunswick Martial Arts Academy in Maine. Since then, she has found that her training (specifically in Karate)  has brought her great satisfaction.  She notes that you get out of training exactly what you put into it.  The more energy you put into training, the more positive benefits you get back from that training.  She really likes that, and she likes that it’s one of the few things in life that actually has that direct correlation.

After moving to Hartford for a job (a little over a year ago), she came to Plus One Defense Systems.  With her martial arts background, she says she chose to train at Plus One because it felt like she was “coming home right from the first session.”  She enjoys training, and she enjoys the family atmosphere and the feeling of support that she has with those with whom she trains.  (By the way, I take it as a huge compliment that, with her background, Lauren has chosen to train with us.)

With eight years of total training under her belt, Lauren loves the feeling she gets when she completes a form or a defense in proper fashion.  She also notes that the martial arts have helped her in her life in many important ways.  Primarily, she is much more confident as a result of her training.  She has also obtained more focus and self-discipline.  She likes that the martial arts workout keeps her “mind busy as well as her muscles.”  Even though she has never had to use her training in a real-life situation, she really likes that she has a “toolkit” of different options – should the need arise.  By the way, I feel sorry for any  dude who may ever put Lauren in a situation where she would want to open that toolbox!  She knows what she’s doing!  (By the way, her nickname is “Danger.”  This is a name that she received from her friends years ago after they found out she trained in the martial arts.  She finds the nickname humorous; I find the nickname appropriate.)

A true artist in many respects, not just the martial type, Lauren works at an art museum (the Wadsworth).  When she’s not kicking or punching people, she enjoys her own fine arts endeavors, reading fiction and graphic novels, playing board games, mountain climbing, and spending time with her friends.

Lauren, thank you for choosing to train with us!  It is a pleasure to have you at the school!


2 responses to “Student of the Month”

  1. Congrats Lauren! Good job! You deserve it!

  2. Congrats Lauren.